An Overview of the Work
Partnership for Young London and Rocket Science have been working with Peer Researchers to gather data on the impact of their engagement in youth social action and also presenting data from their peers. This work is funded by the GLA and aims to capture data and insight on the impact of youth social action programmes across young people, wider stakeholders and community. Through this process they have interviewed policy makers, facilitated events and workshops, hosted video events and created a range of ways in which they can profile the data from across a range of the projects and its impact on young people. The young people have created three videos across the programme taking the lead on gathering and profiling the impact of the work. You can find them by clicking here.
Impact on peer researchers
Young People have been working on journey mapping to show their progress against key points of the programme. This work aims to both report on the impact of the existing work as well as shape the ways forward for commissioning of youth social action across the GLA and with other partners. Describing A Peer Researchers Journey can be accessed here.