Pan Regional Programme on Civic Identities and Inequalities
An Overview of the Work
Authoring Our Own Stories is a five-year project funded by the National Lotteries Community Fund. This is a partnership with Youth Focus NW, Youth Focus SW, Yorkshire and Humber Youth Work Unit and Partnership for Young London, the work aims to examine how young people’s identities impact on their access to services. Over the course of 5 years, we are delivering arts-based workshops with young people and youth work professionals to explore how we gather data through peer research to shape services locally, regionally, and nationally to improve the offer in place to young people and break the cycle of inequality.
Young people from across the country have gathered data and insight from their peers and presented it in collage format, video and spoken word to influence policy and practice. This data and insight has been used both regionally, locally and nationally to shape policy and practice, producing tangible impact from the research i.e. planned inset training in schools on civic identities for school staff led by young people, stakeholder engagement across the South West and North West with statutory services on the needs of communities of young people, work with the SEND Consortia in Yorkshire and Humber on young people’s needs for their local offers and roundtables with funders on how young people’s civic identities are reflected in funding bid. Further work is also planned on facilitating exploratory workshops with the youth sector on using creative methods to gather data and insight from young people.
Image by Kyra (Young Leader). An example of the creative interpretation of data from participants in 2022.The full details of this programme can be viewed here