Principles of the network
Principles of the network
Our approach to collaboration and alliances with other organisations – June 2020
The Network of Regional Youth Work Units: England brings together independent organisations working to support the youth sector at regional level in the English regions. At present our members cover 6 of the 9 regions and we aim to recruit relevant organisations to join the network and support youth work in the other 3 regions over the next 1-2 years.
Regional Youth Work Units act as hubs for developing and supporting youth work in their regions, working with commissioners, providers and young people themselves to ensure the sector is well-informed, skilled and responsive to changes in government policies and young people’s needs.
The Network regularly works with organisations with a national (and sometimes international) footprint and role in supporting aspects of the work of the youth sector, in order to inform policy developments, engage parts of the youth sector who may otherwise not be able to access national initiatives and knowledge, and provide regional intelligence to national organisations while informing organisations in the region of national developments that could affect their practice and environment. This role is recognised and valued by national organisations and government bodies, and has resulted in positive outcomes for youth work, youth workers and young people.
Our approach to collaboration and alliances with other organisations – June 2020
The Network of Regional Youth Work Units: England brings together independent organisations working to support the youth sector at regional level in the English regions. At present our members cover 6 of the 9 regions and we aim to recruit relevant organisations to join the network and support youth work in the other 3 regions over the next 1-2 years.
Regional Youth Work Units act as hubs for developing and supporting youth work in their regions, working with commissioners, providers and young people themselves to ensure the sector is well-informed, skilled and responsive to changes in government policies and young people’s needs.
The Network regularly works with organisations with a national (and sometimes international) footprint and role in supporting aspects of the work of the youth sector, in order to inform policy developments, engage parts of the youth sector who may otherwise not be able to access national initiatives and knowledge, and provide regional intelligence to national organisations while informing organisations in the region of national developments that could affect their practice and environment. This role is recognised and valued by national organisations and government bodies, and has resulted in positive outcomes for youth work, youth workers and young people.

Regional areas of development
Region Networks
Strategic Leads of Youth Work
North West Youth Work Training Network
Regional Impact Network – Centre for Youth Impact
NW Participation Workers Network
NW Children in Care Council Workers Network
South West
Evidence and Impact Network
Workforce Development
Youth Voice
West Midlands
Leadership and Youth Sector Partnerships
Regional Networks – strategic youth leads, evidence and impact, youth voice
Workforce Development – regional training centre and provider network
North East
Regional Networks
Evidence and Impact Network
Youth Sector Leaders
Workforce Development
Youth Work training
Youth Loneliness
Sector support and capacity building
Social Action
Intergenerational practice
Youth Voice
Policy and Practice
Employment, Enterprise & Entrepreneurship
Social Value & Responsibility
Research and Practice, cross sector collaborations on research with universities, infrastructure and front-line groups
Capacity Building and Influence through youth-led research, including practitioners networks, training, regional and local research projects and campaigns
Workforce Development
Safeguarding and Capacity Building
Youth Sector Leadership
Specialist work with equalities groups
Regional Networks
Policy Network
Children in Care Council
Tackling Inequalities
Yorkshire and Humber
Youth Voice and Regional Networks for young people
Yorkshire and Humber Youth Voice Steering Group
Children in and Leaving Care Council
Young people with Additional Educational Needs
Thematic networks
Evidence and Impact
Centre for Youth Impact Network on Evidence and Impact
Workforce Development
Safeguarding and Capacity Building
Networks for Youth Practitioners
Children in and Leaving Care
Youth Voice and Participation
Youth Work Leaders
Training Providers
Higher Education Training Providers
North West
Youth Voice
Youthforia – The North West regional youth voice group
Pioneers of Sustainable Hope (POSH) Eco Social Action
Cared4NW – Children in Care and Care Leavers forum
Greater Manchester Youth Combined Authority
Theme based, Co-op Foundation / Canals and River Trust